Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Overview Of Substance Abuse With Cocaine

Cocaine is a very addicting substance which is able to stimulate specific areas of your brain. It has become extremely popular, beginning in the 1980s, and has grown in popularity ever since. This drug has been around for thousands of years, and is naturally grown in South America. If you have ever heard of the Colombian drug wars or drug Czar's, the primary source of their income is from cocaine. However, it is possible to get addicted to cocaine, which is why treatment centers are available today. Let's look at how you can find a treatment center for cocaine, something that many people need if they take this drug regularly.

Cocaine Extraction And Street Names:

The Erythroxylon coca bush which grows in Bolivia and Peru, and now of course Columbia, is from where pure cocaine is extracted from the leaves. It has many medicinal benefits including being used as an anesthetic when doing certain surgeries for the throat, ears or your eyes. On the street, it is known as blow, Flake, snow or Coke, and was once used in Coca-Cola in small amounts. Another street name that is well known is speedball, a mixture of heroin and cocaine.

Getting Help For Cocaine Abuse

If you abuse cocaine, it could kill you, or at least render you significantly damaged. Those that have bad trips, or that take too much, often find themselves becoming junkies that will do anything to get a fix. To avoid this situation, you need to get help for your cocaine addiction if this is happening to you. Simply find a cocaine treatment center in your city, and they will be able to help you get off of this very addicting substance using proven techniques and therapy strategies that will definitely help anyone with this problem.

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