Monday, July 8, 2013

Opiates Can Be Hard To Quit Without Getting Help

Being addicted to opiates can occur for a number of reasons. Perhaps you were in an accident and started by using painkillers, or maybe you just bough some opiates off the street and are addicted. Whatever the case may be, you probably need to get help in the form of drug treatment to get off of opiates.

When people aren't able to get their opiate fix, they become physically ill most of the time. You start to feel like you have a really bad flu and can't do much but think about how if you had your fix how good you'd feel. This is why most people have trouble stopping. You have to be aware of, however, the fact that there are medications out there that you can be on if you want to stop being dependent on opiates.

Know that after you get treatment, you're going to find that it's probably still on your mind that opiates are really good drugs. This needs to be something you address by staying away from everyone you used to use with. Tell everyone you know that you're not going to use. If you have to go to the doctor for something pain related, make sure you're honest with them and try to only get medications that don't have a narcotic in them. You don't want to end up going to the dentist or something, getting on painkillers, and then having to go through all of this again.

While you may be able to quit opiates when you go to a treatment facility, you always need to keep it in the back of your mind that you cannot try anything ever again. You have to be strong and have people around you that won't enable you. Good luck in the future!

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