Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My Town Is Loaded With Crystal Meth Users

I live in a small town in Massachusetts and you would not believe the number of people in my town that use crystal meth. I had heard of the drug before I moved here, but I had never seen the effects of it with my own eyes. It has changed the way I look at drug addiction as a whole.

On this side of town I see them sometimes, but when I travel to the other side of town they are everywhere. It is not uncommon to have people begging you for money then walk away while picking scabs that are on their faces and arms. I wasn't sure what this was at first, but now I understand what it is all about.

It is crazy that you can go from looking like a model to being unrecognizable in only a few months. While you have to be on some drugs for many years to see bad effects, many crystal meth users experience negative physical changes right away. In fact, I saw a picture recently of a guy that had only been using for three months and his face looked absolutely terrible. He barely even looked like the same person. This is a very sad thing to think about.

There are not many grocery stores in my town, and the ones that are here are robbed constantly. Every time someone is arrested for it they end up being crystal meth abusers. The thing that makes this so crazy is that so many of them get caught. This is proof that your brain doesn't function right when you use meth.

I tend to avoid leaving the house too much anymore because I feel overwhelmed by the amount of crystal meth users that have moved into my town. At this point the only thing I can do is save up money and try moving to another area.

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