Sunday, August 17, 2014

What You Need To Know About Methylphenidate Abuse


Methylphenidate, more commonly known as Ritalin, is a prescription medication that is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It is considered a stimulant and is commonly abused or taken without a prescription. It has a multitude of harmful side effects, especially if it is used in excessive amounts. Ritalin or methylphenidate is normally used used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. This is because the drug can help people focus focus and stay attentive, things these disorders make difficult. It does this by altering the signals in the brain, improving focus and cognition. Drugs with methylphenidate, like Ritalin, are often misused by people without prescriptions. Most of these people are high school or collage students that think it will help them focus better in class or study for a test. It is also used to suppress peoples' appetites. This can be very dangerous because they have little way of knowing what a safe dose would be or how it may react with other medications. Ritalin ,like many prescription drugs, has a long list of side effects. These include dizziness, nervousness, nausea, loss of appetite, stomach pains, headaches and restlessness. It can also be very dangerous if taken in excess or if taken by someone with heart problems. methylphenidate can also be very addictive. People when taking the drug for long periods of time begin to gain a tolerance for the drug, causing them to need to take more and more the get the same results. This increases the likelihood of the user overdosing if a doctor doesn't control the amounts they take. Withdrawing from the drug can also be dangerous, which is why doctors usually try to lower their doses gradually. Abusing methylphenidate may seem like a good way to help you focus, but it is bad for your health and comes with a great deal of side effects. If you or a love one has a problem abusing this drug contact a doctor. I wish you good health and a happy life.

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