Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Substance Abuse Treatment For PCP


Have you ever heard of PCP? It is also technically called phencyclidine. It goes by a number of other street names including Angel dust and Wack to name a few. It is a disassociative hallucinogenic drug that was originally brought to the market back in the 1950s, and it was used and prescribed as an anesthetic pharmaceutical. The reason that it works is because it is a receptor antagonist that specifically blocks NMDA receptors. By doing so, it is capable of providing the human brain with hallucinogenic images which is what PCP is known for. As a recreational drug, it was once extremely popular, but is remotely popular today. The following tips will help you understand more about this hallucinogen, and how to get off of it through treatment centers in your area.

The Biochemistry Of PCP

PCP is actually similar to ketamine which is regarded as the date rape drug. It causes you to feel intoxicated to some degree, primarily because of its ability to act as a reuptake inhibitor for dopamine. Dopamine is the feel-good hormone within the body that is produced in the brain, and can be activated through strenuous exercise. PCP bypasses the need for stressing the body to the point of making dopamine, and along with its ability to repress NMDA receptors, it is a powerful hallucinogen that many people that like recreational drugs take regularly.

Treatment Centers For PCP Abuse

If you take PCP regularly, and you would like to end your addiction to phencyclidine, you can find information on the Internet that can help you reduce or eliminate your addiction to this drug. You are better off, however, to contact a local drug treatment center that can provide you with the necessary schedule and regimen to completely free yourself of this hallucinogen. By calling one of these facilities today, and talking to them about an appointment, you can quickly get registered, and start down the path of being PCP free.

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