Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Cough Syrup High: The Dangers Of Robotripping

Over-the-counter cough and cold medications are rapidly becoming a favorite way for teenagers to get high. In order to "robotrip" the cough syrup is chugged in massive quantities to get the user high. Even though the active ingredient DMX is combined with acetaminophen to discourage recreational use, it is gaining in popularity.

This drug is especially dangerous since it requires no prescription to purchase, it is readily available, and it can be obtained legally. Teenagers who are participating in this alarming new drug fad are taking twenty-five to fifty times the recommended dose and mixing the substance with alcohol for a concentrated high. Since there is no risk associated with the acquisition of this over-the-counter medication, DMX in the form of cough and cold medication is becoming a stepping stone drug that can push teenagers toward more dangerous drug use in the future.

Unfortunately, most parents are unable to recognize the symptoms of addiction within their children. Most parents assume that their children will dabble with alcohol and other drugs and do not act quickly enough to intervene. This lack of parental intervention and the ready availability of this drugs may contribute to their child's rapid downward spiral.

There are alarming statistics indicating that one in ten teenagers in the U.S. have experimented with robotripping at parties and get-togethers. They are naive and easily convinced that an over-the-counter drug syrup freely sold in every pharmacy cannot cause harm. But this simplistic conclusion is far from the truth. Not only is DMX, or Tussin, addictive when used repeatedly, it can also be fatal when it is combined with alcohol, sleeping medications, or commonly prescribed anti-anxiety medications.

Side effects reported when large amounts of DMX are ingested may rival the hallucinogenic results reported by LSD or ecstasy users, The possible physical effects are even more frightening. Excessive amounts may cause cardiac arrhythmia, blood clots in the brain, seizures, coma, and even death.

In order to protect your teen from the dangers of robotripping, you must first educate yourself and then sit down to educate your teen. Teach them that their body is a delicate organism and that the medications contained within cold and cough syrups are only safe in moderate amounts. Your children need to be prepared with the facts to withstand peer pressure and sidestep dangerous drug use.

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